Honey Bee Roles

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1.4 Honey Bee Roles

PennStateExtension+OLC-1006+2017+type@asset+block/S1bee-sketch-comparison.jpg" alt="Pencil sketches of a queen, worker, and drone." style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 100%; line-height: 1.4em; height: auto;">
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The only sexually developed female in a hive. Sexually undeveloped female honey bees. Male honey bees; the largest bees in the colony.
Primary responsibility is reproduction. Smaller than drones and queens. Rounder or stouter with heads much larger than those of other bees.
Does not mate with drones from her own colony. Do almost all the work in the colony. Compound eyes take up a larger percentage of their heads.
Will mate with an average of 12 drones in the air during her mating flight. During foraging season, they live about 6 weeks. Sole purpose is to try to mate with queens.
Elongated abdomen. Those that emerge in the fall can live over 6 months. They eat more than workers, so when a colony prepares for winter, workers push them out of the colony.
Wings cover only about 2/3 of her abdomen.   Have never been observed foraging for food on flowers.
Produces and releases pheromones.  

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