Medium-Depth Super

Medium-Depth Super

The medium-depth super, sometimes called the Dadant or Illinois super, is 6 5 ⁄8 inches high. This is the most common size of super used by backyard beekeepers. This size box can also be used to house the brood nest. Typically three boxes are needed to accommodate the brood nest and honey stores for winter.

PennStateExtension+OLC-1006+2017+type@asset+block/2.2_Medium_Depth_Super.JPG" alt="The part of the hive located just below the Shallow Depth Super is highlighted" style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 100%; line-height: 1.4em; height: auto;">

While this is the most convenient size for honey supers, it cannot be made efficiently from standard-sized lumber.

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