Section Comb Super

3. Section Comb Super

Section comb honey supers are designed to encourage bees to build small combs so that the honey produced can be sold as section comb honey (honey still contained in the original combs). These boxes are 4 5⁄8 inches high and hold either basswood section boxes or plastic rings and section holders that come apart when harvesting the comb. Section comb honey production is a specialized art requiring intense management; it is not usually recommended for beginners.

PennStateExtension+OLC-1006+2017+type@asset+block/2.2_Section_Comb_Super.JPG" alt="The part of the hive just below the Inner Cover is highlighted." style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 100%; line-height: 1.4em; height: auto;">

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