3.3 Where to Get Your Bees

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3.3 Where to Get Your Bees

There are three main sources from which people get their bees:

  • package bees
  • nucs and hives
  • swarms

Package Bees

PennStateExtension+OLC-1006+2017+type@asset+block/S3package-bees.jpg" alt="Photo of a bee package. Simply a wood frame with wire screening that contains the bees." style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 100%; line-height: 1.4em; height: auto;">
A 3-pound package of bees arrives in its shipping crate.
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Package Bees (Runtime 1:39)

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0:00 / 0:00

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What Is a Package of Bees?

A bee package supplier starts with a large apiary. To make a package of bees, the producer takes frames of adult workers out of their hives and shakes them off the frames, through a funnel, and into the shipping package.  To make the weight of the order, usually 3 lbs., the producer may put workers from different hives together in the same package.

A young mated queen unfamiliar to the worker bees is placed separately in a small queen cage, and that cage is placed inside the package with the workers so that they can become comfortable with her on their journey.

The queen cage is attached to the shipping crate at the top, near the feeder. Two or three worker bees are commonly caged with the queen to care for her. Queen cages are supplied with an additional food source of sugar candy.

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Finding a Reliable Supplier

You can find a supplier through your local beekeeping association, by researching online, or by looking in beekeeping trade magazines and catalogs.

Consider the following when choosing among vendors:

  • How long have they been breeding and selling bees?
  • Do they have a reputation for consistently providing healthy bees?
  • Do they employ dependable shipping practices?
  • Are they inspected each year by a state apiary inspector? Ask for a certificate of proof of inspection.
PennStateExtension+OLC-1006+2017+type@asset+block/3.3_Package-bees-empty.jpg" alt="An empty bee package showing the metal can which contains a 50 percent sugar syrup as a food supply for the bees." style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; vertical-align: middle; max-width: 100%; line-height: 1.4em; height: auto;">
Removing the feeding can from an empty bee package shipping crate. 

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